
Small changes. Big impact. Safer care recognizes Canadian Patient Safety week – October 23 to 27

Rates of potentially preventable harm to patients in Canadian hospitals in 2022–2023 remained at 6 percent, the third year in a row with a higher rate compared to pre-pandemic numbers, according to new data released today by the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI). Prior to 2020, the rate had been stable between 5.3 and 5.4 percent since 2014.

While generally safe, too many people experience unintended physical and psychological harms – including those caused by culturally unsafe care – across the health system. Change is needed because safer care is always a goal, but the focus may have shifted from patient safety during the pandemic.

Organized by Healthcare Excellence Canada, Canadian Patient Safety Week (CPSW) (the week of the 23rd-27th of October) is an annual campaign to inspire extraordinary improvements in healthcare safety and quality. The focus this year is on how even small changes can have a big impact when it comes to delivering safer care… Ask a question. Have a quick conversation. Or proactively take action.

We join Healthcare Excellence Canada, our colleagues and clients in partnering to make strides in patient safety, risk management and quality one small step at a time. Continuously striving to contribute to safer care.