
World Patient Safety Day 2023

World Patient Safety Day 2023World Patient Safety Day calls for global solidarity and concerted action by all countries and international partners to improve patient safety. The Day brings together patients, families, caregivers, communities, health workers, health care leaders and policy-makers to show their commitment to patient safety.

World Patient Safety Day 2023 is dedicated to the theme “Engaging patients for patient safety” and the slogan “Elevate the voice of patients!”. The day aims to influence stakeholders including patients, families, policy makers, health care leaders, health workers and patient organizations to work collaboratively towards co-designing health care policies and safety interventions that truly reflect the needs and preferences of patients, ultimately enhancing healthcare safety globally.

This day (World Patient Safety Day) was established in 2019 by the World Health Organization (WHO) to enhance global understanding of patient safety, increase public engagement in the safety of health care and promote global actions to enhance patient safety and reduce patient harm.

Working together with our Shareholders (and partners); with our clients; through social media; through alliances with Healthcare Excellence Canada – we are contributing to the WHO mission of increasing understanding, engagement, and safety.

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